A dwelling place

A dwelling place
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Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. — Psalm 90:1

Throughout my life, I remember traveling to the home of my grandparents. On both my mother and father’s side, they have lived in the same area for many years. I remember the winding roads that will lead you to where they live. While both came from different areas of life, they saw the need to have a dwelling place.

Both of my grandfathers loved their areas. On one side, my grandfather had a rather large farm, where he enjoyed using his tractor, raising livestock, and spending time working outside. On the other side, it was a much smaller farm, but my grandfather was passionate about it nonetheless. While I didn’t necessary live there, I could feel at home. For years they had spent making those areas their home and it was somewhere to relax and take comfort.

In this Psalm, I can’t help but think back on that comfort as I read the words of this verse. The psalmist shares that God has been a dwelling place in all generations. In other words, as far back as they can remember, God was a safe haven. In God, they found security and comfort.

Our lives were designed to be dedicated to and lived for God. He should be our dwelling place. So many times, we fill our lives with things that take the place of God. We often dwell in the distractions of this world.

Our desire should be that future generations look back and see how God was our dwelling place. There should be no doubt that God was our place of refuge, comfort, security, and source of sustainment. As you examine your heart today, what story are you writing for the future? Will they know God was your dwelling place?

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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