Walking with God

Walking with God
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And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. — Genesis 5:24

In our lives, we can all usually think of someone who left an impression on us for living for God. It could be a family member or friend who walked with God close. Perhaps it was the person who led us to our faith that is the role model.

Walking with God is not something we would casually say. We may say that someone was a person of faith. They may be a person of prayer. Perhaps we might even say that a person was faithful to their church or the faith. But to say that someone walked with God is a higher level of relationship with God.

As we read through the Bible, there are a few instances where it says the words that someone walked with God. What is interesting in the case of Enoch is that the Bible specifically calls out he walked with God twice. In other words, it was a focal point of his life. So much so that Enoch did not die a natural death, but was taken by God as we see here.

There are many Christians who have the desire to live for God but do not take it to the level of walking with God. To walk with God is to have a life fully consumed by God. It is fully sacrificing ourselves and giving all that we are to Him. That should be the desire of any Christian!

Are you trying to walk with God today, or are you simply just claiming the title of Christian? When we walk with God, it changes our lives and can transform us in ways we could never imagine. But it takes sacrifice and commitment. Are you willing to make the sacrifice?

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