Following the instructions

Following the instructions
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Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. — Psalm 119:105

As I listened to my son putting his building blocks together, I could hear the excitement build. He was excited about what he was making. With each piece that he put in place, he could see the toy coming to life before his eyes.

Soon, that excitement turned to disappointment. After some time, he became frustrated and came to me asking for help. As I looked at the toy, I realized that he had gotten so excited, he decided to turn to the end of the instructions. Instead of following the directions, he decided to go his own way and figure out how to put the blocks together. Now, he had a mess on his hands.

That’s how things can often go for us in life. As Christians, we often start out faithful, doing the right things and following God. But soon, we find ourselves distracted by things going on around us. Maybe we get excited about things we see happening around us and we stop listening to God’s word. The very words that are our instruction book for life.

Maybe you find yourself frustrated today. Perhaps things in life have turned into a mess. You had started out so well in walking with God, but now, you find yourself going down the wrong path. Maybe you’ve gotten distracted by things happening around you. No matter what it is, it is time to get back to following the instructions.

Are you following God’s word and the instructions and guidance it provides? God’s word will light the way for you, giving you guidance to keep you out of the messes of this life. Instead of ignoring the instructions, today is a great day to get back to following the instructions!

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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