Sometimes things don’t make sense

Sometimes things don’t make sense
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Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. — Psalm 37:5

Just a few days ago, I recall reading the story about how several police deputies were ambushed in a senseless attack not far from Orlando, Florida. Several were injured, but one officer lost his life. While there were few details about the cause of the event, I couldn’t help but think to myself how things like this do not make sense.

Around the same time, I received a phone call about someone I have known most of my life. He is one of the most faithful men of God I have known. He has served in his church, led music at the church, and been faithful above all else. He has had many struggles with cancer and had just learned it was back again. I couldn’t help but think this just doesn’t make sense.

It seems that nearly every day I hear or learn of something that causes me to think that. Over time, the realization we all face is that sometimes things don’t make sense in this life. The tragedy, heartache, sickness and so much more that people face can be discouraging.

We do not always know how or why God designs things in life as He does. What we do know is that He has a purpose and plan that works for our best interest. That’s what David means here with “bring it to pass.” He is saying if you commit your way to God, trusting Him, He will work in your life for what is best.

There is no promise that we will always understand it. There is no promise that we may not have heartache, suffering, tragedy, or sickness. We do have the promise of a God who loves us, cares for us, and will care for us in life to what is in our best interest.

No matter what you may be facing, don’t doubt Him. Trust God, commit to Him, and have comfort in knowing that in the end, He knows what is best!

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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