When God says no

When God says no
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For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. — James 1:7

My son is not much different than most kids. He will ask for things. For example, we may be walking through a store and he sees a new game or toy, and he will quickly ask if he can buy it. Most of the time, my response is like most other parents. I tell him no.

Like most kids, he is disappointed. But that doesn’t stop him from asking. We can simply turn the corner and he sees something else he asks for. I don’t say no to him because I don’t love him. The reason he hears the word no can vary. It may be that he has something similar at home. Perhaps it is something that is not good for him to have. That doesn’t mean he understands why I say no.

The same is true for us in our relationship with God. There are many times we make requests of God, but He tells us no. He may not answer our prayers. He may not deliver us from our sickness, heartache, or trials. Maybe He doesn’t intervene in the life of our loved one.

Just because we face challenges in our lives, it does not mean that God doesn’t care. It does not mean that God does not love us. Time and again He shows us how much He loves and cares for us. Just like a parent, there are times that God says no.

When God says no, we may not always understand. We may find ourselves frustrated, disappointed, or heartbroken. Times may be difficult and seem like it is all that we can bear. But God has a purpose and plan. We have to trust Him and know that He is working all things for our good.

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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