What is the point of working?

What is the point of working?
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What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? — Ecclesiastes 1:3

Recently, I was talking with someone about work. They were sharing their frustrations with their current work situation. They weren’t happy, as the situation in their company had changed since they joined. The passion that they had for their work was gone. Soon, they believed that they would need to look for a new place to work. Then, they asked me a question about work. They said, “What is the point of working?”

We all face moments in our lives when we ask those types of questions. The book of Ecclesiastes is filled with these types of questions and reflections about life. Most believe the book was written by King Solomon, which wouldn’t be surprising given some of the other reflective messages and ideas that he shared in other writings.

Here, it seems to be the same question that I was asked: “What is the point of working?” In other words, what good does it do for us to work? Work causes frustrations and challenges, and many people feel a sense of unfulfillment in their work. They believe the unhappiness is because of the act of work.

But through studying scripture, we can find that God designed us for work. God worked all of the days in creation. The Bible shares that we were made in His likeness. We were designed in the image of someone who worked. Then, God gave us direction to go and have dominion over the creation. We were given instructions to work.

The act of working is fulfilling the plan of God. However, most people don’t see it as this. They simply see it as a means to live in the world. While work is a source of sustainment, it should be an act of service to God. Colossians 3:23 reminds us to do our work as for the Lord, reminding us that we were designed for work and to serve God through that work.

Maybe you don’t see the connection with your work. Maybe it frustrates you, leaving you unsatisfied. But are you focused on the work or how you can serve God through your work? If you are building engines, making parts, turning a wrench, selling items at a store, owning a business, or whatever your work may be, realize that it has a purpose and place in the service of God. Instead of focusing on the work, focus on the Master. The one who gave you work and can help you connect that work to His service!

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