Mightier than our God

Mightier than our God
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The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. — Psalm 93:4

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Niagara Falls. The falls are often captured in photos that are shared online and in published images. But the pictures of the falls do not capture all the spectacular nature of the falls. To stand beside the falls, watching the water rush over the cliff, is an impressive sight and sound.

During the visit, a sign caught my attention. The sign talked about the mighty power of the falls and how the rushing water has caused the cliff to move over the years. While I can’t remember all the exact wording of the sign, it was that the falls move back year after year because of the sheer power of the water that rushes over.

In the visitor’s center, a video played showing the power of the water. Ships and people, many who enjoyed the calm river waters just upstream, have been caught in the powerful current and carried over the falls. Just watching the water gave you a sense of respect for the power that it had.

As powerful as those waters were, they do not compare to the power and might of God! In creation, He  carved out the oceans and given the rivers their place to run. As powerful as they might be, they are still subject to their Creator!

The same goes with everything in our lives as well. Life can bring a lot of different things. The challenges, trials, and circumstances are not always easy. Sometimes they will try to sweep us along and catch us in the current. But no matter what life may bring your way, nothing is more powerful or mightier than our God.

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