Your place in the ministry

Your place in the ministry
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Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. — 2 Corinthians 4:1

Throughout my adult life, there is a common theme that I have heard regarding belonging. It is the idea to be a member of or to be a part of. The idea of belonging starts for us all when we are younger. We want to belong with our friends, or perhaps even the “cool kids” that everyone admires. We want to belong to sports teams, or even in the groups that support our hobbies.

As we get older, we want to belong in more than our personal lives. Study after study in the workplace shows that belonging is important for employees. They want to feel as though they have a place at work. The desire is to feel safe and secure and to be happy in their place of work.

We even talk about belonging in our spiritual lives. Christians talk of the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and becoming part of the family of God. No matter how you look at it, belonging is a big part of our lives. Whether we want to admit it or not, we were designed to belong by God.

But do we see our spot in God’s service as a need for us to belong? In other words, do we see that we have a place in service to God and strive to fill that role? We work so hard to belong in life, but do we give the same to God?

We all have a place in the ministry of God. We often think of this as a pastor or other church leader. But it is more than that. Whether we have a title or not, we have a place in God’s service, or ministry.

Do you know your place in the ministry of God? If so, are you in your place, filling your role? God has a role for us all in His service. We need to realize that we belong in His service, filling our role and serving God according to His will.

Across the world, Christians need the encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Another Well Ministries is a non-profit ministry that relies on donations to continue its work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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