Do we want Him there?

Do we want Him there?
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Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. — James 4:8

One of the biggest challenges in life is knowing if you are wanted somewhere. One of the worst feelings is to know an event is taking place, but you are not necessarily wanted there. Or perhaps a general invite went out, but you weren’t expected to show up. It has happened to me several times, especially when I may be passing by someone’s office, and they are walking out to an event. It can make for an awkward situation.

I also think about the many times I have come home from traveling for work or after working a long day. One of the best feelings is when my son comes running up to me and is excited because I am home. Maybe the dog is excited and comes to greet me at the door. It is comforting to know that you are wanted.

But that is our human nature. We want to feel wanted and needed. As much as we feel that way, the same is true for our relationship with God. Time and again throughout scripture, God has shared the idea, as is shared here, that if we draw close, He will too.

It isn’t that God is not present in every situation. We know that He is always present, always listening, and always watching. Yet, how many times do we openly welcome Him in? How many times do we ask Him to get intimately involved in our lives? So many times, it is only in a time of need.

Instead, our desire should be that God would be involved in every detail and every moment of our lives. We should never want one aspect of our lives that He is not involved in, letting Him guide us and direct us in His will. The question we must all ask is, do we want Him there?

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