The lowest of lows

The lowest of lows
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Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps. — Psalm 88:6

There is something interesting about the depths of the world. I often read about the history of various shipwrecks and the tragedy that placed them at the bottom of the sea. Then, I remember on several occasions when people were working in caves underground and perhaps were trapped. It has often led me to read and learn more about those places and what exists there.

For example, I remember reading about the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. From what researchers have shared, no light penetrates that area. It is so deep that the only thing that exists there is darkness. In the various caves underground, aside from light taken in by humans, no light exists. They are some of the darkest places this world has to offer.

While the psalmist here was not in those places physically, he was spiritually. He was in the lowest of lows in his life. He felt as if there was no hope, no light to be found, and perhaps even that death was soon to find him. That is certainly the lowest of lows in this life.

Have you been there? Or are you there now? Perhaps you feel there is no hope. Maybe you feel as though there is no reason to continue on. The challenges of life leave all of us struggling from time to time, but maybe this is the worst it has ever been for you.

Remember that you are not alone. From the highest of mountains to the deepest depths of the sea, God is still God. Whatever the circumstances or situations that you face, He has the power to deliver and help you through. Don’t lose faith, and don’t lose hope. Keep trusting God!

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