Making things more difficult

Making things more difficult
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O my God, I trust in thee. — Psalm 25:2

Not long ago, I was putting something together that we had purchased for our house. The box included what felt like hundreds of items to be put together. As I started to look through the items, I quickly realized there was no way I was able to assemble it without looking at the instructions. As I pulled out the instructions, I quickly realized another problem. There were basic pictures, with no differentiation between pieces shown.

I began doing the best that I could in putting items together. About halfway through, I realized that many of the items were not in the right spot. I had to disassemble and reassemble the item multiple times. After multiple attempts, I finally got the item put together so that we could use it.

The challenge that I experienced was for several reasons. I didn’t have the experience in putting this item together. There was also poorly written instructions. But finally, I realized that as I was looking through the instructions and items, in my mind I was making things much more difficult than they should be.

There are many times when we look at things in life and make them much more difficult than they should be. Our human nature is to work diligently to solve the problem on our own, instead of trusting God. Because of our own stubbornness, we often do things that are not needed, making things harder on us in the long run.

Instead of making things more difficult, we should do as this verse says. Just trust in God! Amid the difficulties and challenges of life, we should trust God. When the storms and winds rock our life, trust God. When we just don’t know how we can make it through, trust God. Instead of trying to make things more difficult, trust God!

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