Faith in Him or faith in things?

Faith in Him or faith in things?
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Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? — Galatians 3:3

Throughout our life, we are influenced by the things around us. For example, when we are younger, we are perhaps influenced and try to act like those around us. I remember when I was younger, I wanted to play basketball like the most famous basketball players. I wanted to hit a baseball like the most popular baseball players. As we get into our teenage years, we often start acting like our friends and others we spend time with.

But things don’t change much as we get older. We might find ourselves influenced by a nice car that we see, so that we want one of our own. Maybe we see a nice pair of shoes, some nice clothes, or other things. We will often find ourselves going out to find them.

While not all of these things are bad, they are all things of the world. They are things that are temporary, fading away at some point in time. God designed our lives so that we might focus on Him, rather than the things of the world. As Christians, we often get so focused on the world that we fill our lives with it instead of God!

We are reminded in this verse that our flesh will never make us perfect. In other words, the possessions of this world, such as houses, cars, and money, can never take the place of forgiveness and faith. God designed our lives around faith in Him, not faith in things.

As you examine your heart today, are you trusting in God, or are you trusting in the things of this world? So often we become consumed with building up treasures in this world. Our hearts should be focused on growing in the things of God. Instead of having faith in things, we should focus on having faith in Him!

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