Help when you are in trouble

Help when you are in trouble
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Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. — Psalm 22:11

Some time ago, my son began playing on his iPad and sending messages to me while I was away from home. He would send funny images and various words and statements that he knew. But then, he figured out how to send audio messages. Those messages were quite entertaining, to say the least. He shared how much he missed me, wanted me to come home, and the things he was doing at home.

But then, I got an interesting message. His tone changed, and I could tell that something had happened. His message said something along the lines of, “Daddy, I’m sorry. I’m in trouble. I had a bad attitude.” He knew what he did was wrong, and trouble was on the horizon for him. He knew that his mother and I would be upset.

In life, we often know when trouble is on the horizon. We often see the storms brewing around us. There are situations in life where it seems as though they develop slowly. It is as if every moment, the situation gets worse and worse. As the verse says here, trouble is near, and we know it!

While we will face troubles in life and feel alone, as the verse says, God is always with us. When we face those times of trouble, He is our help and strength. In those moments of trouble, when we need someone close, God is willing and able!

Are you facing trouble today in life? Do you find yourself feeling alone and seeing trouble on the horizon? Don’t lose faith and hope. God is there. He loves you and will go with you through it all. Ask Him to stay close by your side. Even when it feels that no one is there, God is there and is a help for us all in times of trouble.

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