Where you need to be

Where you need to be
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Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way? — Proverbs 20:24

I was completely lost. It was many years ago and I was traveling for work. The contact that I had where I was going had given me the address. I put it into the navigation app I was using on my phone and set out to find it. But amid all the buildings, I was struggling to figure out which one I should be in. All of them looked the same and there were no addresses to be found.

Soon, I found an area where I saw others wearing the badge of the company I was looking for. I searched around the area, but could still not locate the right building. Soon, I stopped someone and asked if they could help me. They pointed at one of the buildings and said that it was the one I was looking for.

It was a sense of relief as I walked into the building. Amid all the hustle and bustle of the city, the massive buildings, and all the people, I was finally where I needed to be. There is a comfort in knowing you are where you need to be!

In our lives, we understand that God has a purpose and plan for our lives. We don’t always know what that plan is or where we will end up. In fact, many times we may get lost along the way because we try to do things on our own.

Instead of trying to do things on our own, we should trust God. We should have faith in Him, asking Him to guide our steps as He is faithful to do. It will keep us from getting lost along the way and help us be where we need to be. Right in the center of God’s will.

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