Don’t know everything

Don’t know everything
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Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. — Romans 1:22

Have you ever met someone who seems to know everything? It doesn’t matter what you try to tell them or explain to them, they already know it. Or perhaps if it is describing something that you have done, they’ve already done it. Not only have they done it, but they have done it better, more times than you, and in a way that it is not worth you replicating. Chances are, you know exactly what I am talking about.

This seems to be common in our day. We live in a society where everyone knows everything. If they don’t know it, they will simply look it up online. I often laugh when I hear someone say that. We treat the internet as the source of all truth anymore. If it isn’t online or on social media, then chances are it isn’t true.

In that desire to know everything, true knowledge is often overlooked. Those with experience and valuable expertise are often ignored. But the mindset also leads to a generation as is described here. A generation that has professed themselves to be wise, but instead, they became fools.

There is something great to surround ourselves with wise people. But there is a foolishness in believing that we know everything. Only God truly knows everything. All of us are still learning and becoming what God would have us be in this world. If we are honest, we don’t know everything.

As Christians, instead of pretending that we know everything, we should rely on the one who does! Our faith and our trust should be in God. Others may want to make the mistake of “knowing everything.” But our desire should be to live by faith, fully trusting in God for all things.

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