Getting closer to God

Getting closer to God
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The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. — Psalm 145:18

As we go through life, we get close to many people. We may have best friends who we grew up with and remain close friends with throughout the years. Others may find a spouse, marry, and find a life filled with friendship and happiness. The closeness that we experience is not an accident, however. It’s created by something called communication.

When I met my wife, I spent a lot of time talking to her and with her to get to know her. We talked about a lot of different things, such as our favorite things, beliefs, and more. The same is true for my closest friends. We spent time together, learning about each other, and finding things that brought us together. Not just together, but closer than others in my life.

The same is true for our relationship with God. While many people often say that they want to draw closer to God, the secret to a closer relationship with God is not so secret. In fact, it is in plain site right in the scripture for everyone to read.

If we want to be closer to God, we have to spend time with Him and talk to Him. That’s more than just a church service each week. It’s more than simply carrying a Bible or reading its words occasionally in times of distress. It’s building a relationship with Him every day.

Do you want to draw closer to God? Spend time in prayer talking to Him. Get to know Him. Find out more about Him in His word. If we want to be closer to God, it’s more than a casual conversation. We should be serious, truthful, and sincere. God is more than willing to draw close to us, we just have to spend the time with Him!

Across the world, Christians need the encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Another Well Ministries is a non-profit ministry that relies on donations to continue its work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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