Be bold in your faith

Be bold in your faith
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In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. — Psalm 31:1

For many years, society has taken the stance that Christians should simply be quiet. It wasn’t so long ago that a popular TV personality on a cable news channel said just that. He implied that any serious Christian was not welcome in public life. They should simply be quiet and go into a closet.

That’s exactly what the world wants us to do. They do not want anyone to share the idea of a moral compass. They are not interested in right and wrong, or anyone taking a stand against sin. That keeps them from being able to do what they want to do. It keeps them from being able to live any way they want to live.

As much as they want us to be ashamed of calling ourselves Christian, and taking a stand for what is right, we should never be ashamed! Scripture instructs that we should live our lives to be a light in the darkness. We should live our lives in a way that others may see Jesus, the change He made in our lives, and how God guides us in our actions.

But too many Christians have fallen into the trap of fear. When pressed about their beliefs, they will often hide due to worldly pressures. We fear retaliation, abuse, and slander. Some fear job loss or the loss of friends. Do we not have faith to be bold and trust God?

Today, determine in yourself to be bold in your faith in God. Never be ashamed of trusting Him. Never be ashamed of your faith, of identifying as a Christian, and standing for truth. The world needs more light as it continues to get darker. We as Christian’s need to determine to be bold!

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