What do you want to be?

What do you want to be?
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Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. — Matthew 1:19

Society around us never ceases to amaze me. Every few weeks, it seems that some new idea or perspective comes along that we are told we should accept. We are told that everyone should be able to live their life as they want to live it, without repercussion. It is as if there should be no consequences in life.

The argument is that anyone should be able to do what they want and be what they want to be. But that is not how God designed the world. He created each of us uniquely, in His image, for a purpose. That purpose is not to be what we want to be, but to be what He wants us to be. To follow His will.

While this verse is often used to talk about Joseph’s actions, take a close look at the description of Joseph. He was a “just” man. If you look at all the connotations behind that word, he was a man who followed the will of God. He lived a righteous life. He was kind, tender, merciful, holy, virtuous, and upright. What a reputation!

Joseph didn’t have a desire to follow his own desires, he wanted to follow God’s will and God’s plan. He wasn’t focused on being whatever he wanted to be. Instead, he was focused on being what God wanted him to be.

What do you want to be? Is your desire to be what God wants you to be, or are you trying to do things your own way? God wants us to follow His will and His way. That means we deny ourselves, our desires, and our plans to submit to God’s will and plan.

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