Can I see some ID?

Can I see some ID?
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Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. — 2 Corinthians 5:17

Recently, I was in a store, and I went to the register to pay for the items that I was carrying. The person who was working scanned all of the items. As I went to pay, I handed them my card. They started to swipe the card but then turned to me and said, “Can I see some ID?”

I was somewhat surprised, as it had been quite a while since someone had taken the time to check my ID when using my card. I quickly pulled out my driver’s license. After a quick scan of the license, they handed it back to me and then swiped the card to pay for my items.

With my license, they knew that someone had verified who I was. They saw my height, weight, eye color, hair color. That license showed that I was a male, where I lived, and even had my photo. They knew exactly who I was because I had my ID. If there was any concern about who I was, it was solved by the evidence presented.

As I walked out of the store, the thought quickly came to my mind about our identity in Christ. As we go about the world, is there enough evidence to convince anyone that we are truly a Christian? So many people use the identity of Christianity as a convenience rather than a true identity.

Once we accept Jesus Christ, we are no longer who we used to be. Our identity is changed. We identify with Christ as an ambassador for Him everywhere we go. We should show the world our Christian ID any chance we get, sharing the love of Christ and how He made a change in our life.

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