When you have a heavy or broken heart

When you have a heavy or broken heart
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My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. — Psalm 55:4

Have you ever had a heavy or broken heart? If we are all honest, we have most likely experienced this many times in our lives. We experience heavy and broken hearts amid many different aspects of life. So many things affect our lives in a wide variety of ways and we often struggle with changes.

For example, the loss of a job can be impactful. Ask anyone who has lost their job and the impact that it left on their lives. It can leave someone feeling helpless, hopeless, and with a heavy heart of how they will continue in life. Or perhaps it is the loss of a loved one. The loss of a close friend, family member, or child can disrupt everything in life and leave us heartbroken.

David was certainly not exempt from a heavy or broken heart. David experienced this in many instances that is recorded throughout the Old Testament. Some was a result of decisions that David made, while others he experienced as part of life. In David’s life, we can see a great example of what to do when we have a heavy or broken heart.

David didn’t run to anyone in this world when his heart was heavy or broken. He went straight to God. He knew that God would hear his prayer, and answer his prayer. David knew God loved and cared for him, and the same is true for you!

What has your heart heavy or broken today? Don’t get caught up in trying to find help in this world. Instead, run to God! Tell God how you feel and talk to Him about what is happening in your life. He cares for you and will help you through.

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