More than enough for you

More than enough for you
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So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets. And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away. — Mark 8:8-9

If you are like me, there have been a couple of times in my life when I was terribly hungry. It wasn’t that I was famished. It wasn’t a situation where there was no food available to eat. Maybe I had gotten busy, or perhaps work was a trying day, and I simply did not get to eat. No matter the situation, I was hungry.

It’s a natural thing that we all deal with. Our bodies use energy, and they require food for us to survive. You can make it a little while without food, but not forever. Eventually, your body will start to decay, and soon you will find yourself weak.

The same goes for us in our spiritual lives as well. As Christians, our souls need nourishment in the things of God. We need to consume God’s word, and we need to spend time in prayer. Stop nourishing your soul and soon, you will find that you are weak and more vulnerable to sin and the things of this world.

Just as Jesus was able to provide more than enough food for all the many thousands on this day, God can provide all that we need each and every day. It doesn’t matter how much nourishment you need. He has more than enough for you!

Are you giving your body enough nourishment in the things of God? Do you regularly nourish it in God’s word, prayer, and time with God? There’s no risk of running out of supply. No matter how much you need, God has enough for you. But we cannot neglect it. We must feed ourselves spiritually to remain strong!

Across the world, Christians need the encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Another Well Ministries is a non-profit ministry that relies on donations to continue its work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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