Binding up your wounds

Binding up your wounds
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He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. — Psalm 147:3

Many times, I reflect back on my time as a paramedic. There were many things that I learned and experienced in the many years that I worked as a paramedic. As you begin training, they quickly teach you things like CPR. But one of the other things that you are taught quickly in paramedic school is about taking care of wounds.

You are taught how to handle a situation when someone has been cut. There is specific training for someone who has had a puncture wound, gunshot wound, or many other types of wounds that you might face. If someone is bleeding, you might need a different type of wound or device to help control it. There are many techniques and tactics that are shared to help in dealing with wounds.

In a physical sense, people may be wounded in a wide variety of ways. The same goes for us in a spiritual and emotional sense as well. There are many times we find ourselves wounded by things in this world. Things that might damage our hearts, wound our spirits, and leave us needing help.

God is the expert and binding up wounds. In the moments that we find ourselves wounded, those are the moments He will pull us close. He takes us under His wing, nurturing us, and caring for us. But we see the word here is an active action. It’s continual. He never stops caring for our wounds!

Are you wounded today? Has your heart and soul been punctured by things in this world? If so, it’s a great day to call on God. He can help by binding up your wounds. He loves you and cares for you like no one else. Let Him bind those wounds and help you get back on your way of serving Him!

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