Healing a broken heart

Healing a broken heart
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He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. — Psalm 147:3

Throughout our lives, we all experience broken hearts. I will never forget the broken heart that my wife and I both experienced in the loss of many pregnancies. Amid multiple attempts to have a family, we lost baby after baby. There was an excitement each time we learned she was expecting, but within a few weeks, we were left with a broken heart.

So many times in these moments, we find it hard to understand the plan of God. My wife and I certainly didn’t understand what God was doing. We had no clue what the future for our lives may hold. But in that moment, our hearts were broken. We were struggling. While that’s a personal example, there are numerous other times that I have had a broken heart.

I have no doubt you have thought about several times in your own life you had a broken heart. Perhaps it was a goal you set for yourself that you failed to reach. Maybe it was a job that you wanted, but you failed to get. Or, perhaps, it was even a time that you had a conflict with someone else and in the end, you were left with a broken heart.

It is in those moments that I am so thankful for the word of God. Verses like this one, where we are reminded that God heals the broken hearted. The word used in the King James Version here is healeth. It’s an active action. It’s a continual action.

Maybe you find yourself with a broken heart over something today. God has not stopped healing broken hearts. He cares for you and wants to help you. Call on Him today and let Him start healing your broken heart. It may not change the circumstance, but you can make it through with God. Let Him help heal your broken heart.

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