What consumes our hearts

What consumes our hearts
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. — Psalm 19:14

There are many times when my son will get a one-track mind. He’s like any kid in that sense. They have something on their mind, and they will not rest until they figure out a way to get what they want. Maybe it’s playing with a specific toy after they were told no. Watching a particular TV show, or even something they want to buy.

Even as adults, we often find ourselves in the same situation. Our minds can be so consumed with things that are going on in our lives. Maybe it is a specific challenge or circumstance in life that has us distracted. Or maybe we are just like the kids, finding ourselves focused on something we want.

Many times, the meditation of our hearts becomes focused and consumed by things of this world. Or even sin. We become so enamored by these things that our hearts meditate on them constantly. But David reminds us here that the meditation of our hearts is an important thing. What consumes our hearts can keep us from having a proper relationship with God.

If you examined your heart today, what do you find? God desires our hearts to be consumed by Him. He wants us to meditate on His word, spending time thinking of Him in prayer. Finding ways to share Him with the world around us. But are we doing that?

Today, take a few moments to examine what your heart is consumed by. Is it consumed by God and the things of God? Or is it consumed by sin and things of this world? Ask God to help you set a guard over your heart so that what consumed it is acceptable in His sight!

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