The words of our mouths

The words of our mouths
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. — Psalm 19:14

It was a trying moment for me. Someone had said some things that were offensive. I was upset, angry, in fact. I felt like what they said was uncalled for. It was attacking me for something that was not true. But they certainly perceived the situation that way. They tried to point it out and place blame on me. Blame that I did not feel I deserved.

Our conversation went back and forth for some time. As it continued, the more upset I became. I knew I was raising my voice when I shouldn’t be. I was speaking more sternly. But then it happened. I said something that I knew I shouldn’t have said the instant I said it. The words were out of my mouth, and I couldn’t take it back.

As a kid, I often remember the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The truth is that words can hurt. Not only words said to us but also the words we may say to others.

David asked God to set a guard over his mouth so that the words he said would be acceptable. In other words, they would be a perfect image of God in all that he said. People wouldn’t see the person, but instead, his words would point others to His God!

Do our words point others to God? Or do we often find ourselves in a situation where we say things we know we shouldn’t? Today is a great day to join David in this prayer: that God would set a guard over the words of our mouths. Not only to keep us from saying things we shouldn’t but that all we say point others to Him!

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