Positions of authority

Positions of authority
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Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. — Romans 13:1

One of the hardest lessons that I had to learn in this life was to submit to those in authority over me. I have always been very strong-willed. I want to be able to control situations and circumstances. Many times, I found myself in situations where I had to follow the lead of others. Perhaps I didn’t understand or know the way, so I had to trust someone else.

But it is not always easy to trust those around you when you do not agree with them. Perhaps those in power above me were not Christians. Maybe they did not value the things that I value or appreciate the things that I did. They may even have made decisions that I didn’t agree with.

But the idea of this verse is not that we agree with all the decisions that those in power above us make. It is the idea that God is the one that ordained structure and allows leaders to exist. Because of their position and title, we are told we should respect them and submit to them.

That is not to say that we go along with them in things that violate our faith. For example, we shouldn’t hesitate to take a stand for our Christian morals and values. But we must recognize those who are in positions of authority. We may not agree with them on all things, but God is the one who allows them to be in their place.

Maybe you don’t agree with those in political office, your boss, or other leaders in your life. Perhaps you do not think they are the best leader. But God has allowed them to be in that position for a reason and purpose. We may not agree with them, but we should respect them. We should never hesitate to take a stand for what is right, but we should never do so in a way that compromises the name and cause of Christ!

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