Planted by the water

Planted by the water
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And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. — Psalm 1:3

As I used to fly around the country, I would occasionally take a window seat on the plane. It was interesting to watch the flight tracker on the plane, seeing the various cities and towns that I would fly over. You would see their event arenas, schools, or other famous landmarks. Even the Grand Canyon from a plane looks much different.

One thing that always stuck out to me was when I was in an area that looked like there were few, if any, trees. I would look down, and perhaps there were trees sparse across the area. Then, suddenly, there was an area where trees were grouped together. There was something that was keeping them strong in that area.

What became apparent is that these trees were growing near a water source. It may be a small creek, river, or some other source of water. The water was giving the trees nourishment, so that no matter what was going on around them, they would survive.

For Christians, it is extremely important that we plant ourselves firmly by the “rivers of water” that God provides. We have been given unique tools to help us overcome this world and stand amid all that is going on around us. We have God’s word, the Holy Spirit, and prayer.

Is your life firmly planted in the resources that God has provided? Do you spend time in His word, letting the Holy Spirit guide you, and talking to God in prayer? The winds and rain in this life are going to come. But you can rest assured that you are strong enough to withstand whatever the world brings. To do so, you must be planted by the water.

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