The real thing

The real thing
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Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. — Matthew 7:21

Just over 50 years ago, Coca-Cola started transitioning its slogan to “It’s the real thing.” For many years, they used the slogan about how Coke was the real thing. Coke argues that while there are many imposters, nothing can beat the real thing or true Coca-Cola.

There is indeed nothing better than something genuine. Our lives are filled with imposters of almost every kind. You can find jewelry that looks like gold, but it is fake. Find your favorite tech gadget and some fake ones will be made to look very similar. While those items may look like the original, they are not the real thing.

The challenge is that so many times, it can be difficult to distinguish genuine items from fake ones. For example, if we are presented with a real and fake name-brand item, we may struggle to tell the difference. But an expert in that area will know. This is someone who knows a genuine item inside and out. They understand every detail and can quickly spot a fake.

You and I may struggle to identify a fake Christian in our day, but make no mistake about it: God knows. He is the expert. He knows a genuine Christian inside and out. God knows their heart. He isn’t looking at the outside like we are because He sees what’s inside.

So the question becomes, do we have the real thing, or are we just another fake? Are we Christian only in our actions and deeds, or have we truly accepted Jesus Christ and given our hearts to God? We may fool those around us, but God knows the truth. He knows whether we truly know Him or are just another fake Christian. Instead of being a fake, why not give your heart to Him and become the real thing today?

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