The generation to come

The generation to come
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We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done. — Psalm 78:4

I often tell those around me that I want my son to experience as much of life as he can. Being in an orphanage for the first few years of his life, he missed out on many things other kids often take for granted. But more than that, he loves life. That love of life is inspiring to everyone he meets.

But as a parent, there are things that I want to keep him from as well. I don’t want to expose him to many of the evils of this world. Our world would love to teach him that God is not important. They want him to believe that sin is acceptable in the eyes of God. I want him to learn the truth.

I have often thought back to many places in scripture where it teaches us that we should tell other generations about God. This Psalm is one of those examples. The Psalmist writes that they will not hide God, His works, His praise, and their testimony from the children.

Just as in the day of the Psalmist, the new generation around us needs to hear what God has done. They need to understand the amazing work that God has done in so many lives. Our testimony and heritage should be something that in days to come, they know who God is and what He can do.

Are we sharing our testimony and our God with the generation that is to come? Will our sons and daughters know of God and how they can rely on Him? We should not hide our children and the younger generation from God. We should share our testimony of God every chance we get!

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