Are we fully persuaded?

Are we fully persuaded?
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And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. — Romans 4:21

Throughout my life, I have met a lot of different people. Some of those have become trusted friends and coworkers. Many of these I have not spoken with in quite some time. Even still, I’m confident that if I made a phone call to any of them, they would do anything they could to help me. But that’s not the case with everyone.

In fact, I have probably met more people that I was not able to trust as I had hoped. These were people who have taken things I have said and used them against me. Perhaps they told me something that was not true, just so I would respond or act in order to help themselves. If we are all honest, we all have examples of people who we trust and don’t trust.

In this verse, Paul was writing about Abraham’s faith. He wrote about Abraham’s faith in various aspects of his life. But the words of this verse often catch my attention. Abraham was fully persuaded that God was able to do everything that He promised. Abraham had no doubt in God’s ability.

But is our faith that strong? Are we fully persuaded in faith to God? Our Bible’s are filled with promise after promise that God has made to us, yet we often seem to doubt His ability to fulfill them. The real question is why? Has God ever given us a reason to doubt Him?

We should live our lives confident that God can do anything and everything that He has said He would do. Time and again, He has! Chances are, if you find yourself disappointed in God, it is because He did not answer or do as you wanted Him to do.

Our lives should be lived with unwavering faith in God. Our hearts should be fully persuaded that He will do all that He said He would do. Because time and again, He has. He has never once failed to uphold His promises.

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