Have you lost all hope?

Have you lost all hope?
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And where is now my hope? as for my hope, who shall see it? — Job 17:15

There have been many times in my life I have been hopeful for something. Maybe I was hopeful that my favorite sports team would win a game, or that something good would happen for a friend or family member. Other times, I have been hopeful for something specific about me. Something that many others might not care about, but it was extremely important to me.

That is certainly the case of Job. Job had been through a lot. His friends had tried to help him understand what was happening, but they gave horrible advice. They even went as far as to blame Job that the things that happened in his life were his fault. But those friends weren’t sitting in Job’s place. They couldn’t understand all that Job was going through.

That’s how life is. Sure, things may happen to others that are similar, but we are each unique. Every situation and circumstance that we face affects each of us differently. That left Job in the position where he asked himself, “Where is my hope?” In other words, what do I have to hope for now? Job felt that all hope was lost.

Maybe you find yourself in that situation today. Perhaps you are facing something that others just don’t understand. It’s not to say they haven’t tried. But this is affecting you differently. Maybe you have lost all your hope and feel as though you have nothing left to live for.

But the truth is that with God on your side, you are never without hope. Have you lost all hope? Instead of giving up, put your faith in God. He has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is with you, and will help you make it through to the other side of whatever you are facing.

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