Be strong in grace

Be strong in grace
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Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. — 2 Timothy 2:1

A few nights ago, my son was trying to reach something that was sitting high on a shelf. He had seen the item a few days before and was talking about it. This night, he wanted to do what he could to reach it. He stretched, reached, and was doing anything he could to try and reach onto this shelf. But he couldn’t.

He started looking around for all the things that he might use to reach the shelf. He started looking for a step stool. He started to consider a chair but realized that the chair wouldn’t help. I watched him as he exhausted all of the ideas that he could think of. It was then that he came to me and asked for help.

So many times, that is exactly how we are as Christians. We know that we need help and assistance, but we are too stubborn to ask for it. We will try every potential solution that we can think of instead of trusting in the one that we know can help us.

Paul reminded Timothy as he went about his work that he needed to be strong in grace. In other words, he was to rely on the grace that only God could impart. Instead of trying to do it all on his own, he should trust the one who was able to handle the situation, no matter what it was!

Do you find yourself struggling, trying to do everything on your own? Perhaps you have exhausted every option and effort that you could think of. Instead of trying to make it on your own, be strong in grace! Rely on the grace that only God can give, knowing He can handle anything in your life.

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