Do you mean it?

Do you mean it?
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The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — James 5:16

My wife and I are not different from most other married couples. We spend most of the day apart while I am working. When we are at home, we are both working on a lot of different things. Perhaps I am working on writing or spending time with our son. She is often working on various things around the home. Then we scramble to find a few minutes to spend with each other and just talk.

We often try to talk on the phone for just a few minutes during the day. A lot of times, those talks are quick blasts from each of us, trying to share any pertinent information. We try not to forget any details, but it’s inevitable that we leave something out. Then, we end our call or day by saying the words “I love you.”

Now I certainly love my wife with all my heart, but many times, I say those words out of ritual. It’s what is normal and expected, and they just flow naturally because we know each other so well and have been married for so many years. I’m convinced that many Christians do the same thing with God.

We often talk to God out of habit and ritual. Perhaps we say the same words in our prayer, as a child may say over their food as they learn to pray. Maybe we just casually mention the same things. But do we really mean the words we say?

A fervent prayer is not a ritual prayer. Instead, it is an energetic, meaningful prayer. The idea is that if someone prays with meaning behind it, they can get something accomplished! So the question becomes, when you pray do you mean it? Do you pray genuinely, putting your cares in front of God, knowing and trusting that He will hear and answer?

Our time spent with God in prayer should be more than just a ritual. It should be a time when we are focused on sharing our hearts and our concerns, asking God to intervene. It doesn’t mean He will do exactly what we want. But if we are serious with God, He will hear and answer us in His time and His way.

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