Rekindle the fire

Rekindle the fire
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Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? — Psalm 85:6

Recently, I was in a business and met someone whom I had never met before. As we began to talk, the person started sharing things about their past. They used to work with an ambulance crew, as did I. We started talking about those days and found that we had some similar experiences and even knew of a few of the same people.

As we shared those stories, we began to share how we got to where we are today. Each of us had made choices that changed the direction of our careers and lives. They remained in a healthcare position, providing care for those who needed it most. I was no longer providing care for people but shared with them how much respect I have for those who still do.

Throughout our lives, we see things change just like this. We often look back at what used to be. Perhaps we talk about the places we used to go, the things we used to do, or the type of person we were long ago. But something is different and has changed that brought us to where we are today.

Around us, our world is changing. Things that would bring shame and remorse to a person in days gone by no longer bother anyone. No one tries to hide sin. In fact, we are encouraged to accept it. And for many Christians, they have accepted it and do not see any concern with it.

Instead, we need God to revive us again. We need Him to renew our desire to live for Him. Not a desire to simply get by and tolerate the sin and wickedness of our world. We need God to revive in our hearts and in our nation a desire to live for Him once again.

I’m reminded of the words of the old hymn, “Revive us again.” Near the end of the song, we may often sing the words, “Let each soul be rekindled with fire from above.” That should be our prayer today. God, rekindle the fire inside of us all.

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