Real love endures

Real love endures
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Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. — 1 Corinthians 13:7

Over many years, Disney has produced a lot of interesting entertainment. While the company has been scrutinized in recent years for messaging and promoting filth, I am talking more about the older Disney movies. The classic films were traditional in nature, typically sharing the story of a prince or princess, depicting their life, and in most instances, enduring love. Their love had to overcome the odds, so to speak.

Hollywood has capitalized on the idea and concept of love for many years. While many of the stories contain twisted tales of love, there are many stories of enduring love. True love is one of the most powerful things we can ever experience in life. But love is not just a romantic thing. True love comes in a variety of presentations.

For example, true love can be present in our relationships with our family. The love and bond that is present in a family should persist and endure beyond the challenges of life. But true love should also be present in our spiritual lives. Our love for God should be able to endure anything that may attempt to attack it.

As Paul writes about love, he shares how love bears, believes, hopes, and endures. Each one of these builds on the last, with Paul beginning verse 8 by saying it never fails. But he is not talking about love as a feeling. He is talking about true love.

We live in a world that is willing to give up on “love” at any moment. But love is not something you give up on. Real love endures. Is our love for God strong enough to endure anything this world might challenge it with? Or would we be willing to lay it aside when things get tough?

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