Bondage of the past

Bondage of the past
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Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. — Galatians 5:1

Over the years, I have been fortunate to lead many employees who worked with me in various roles. There are a wide variety of types of employees, but I always loved those who were dedicated to our cause. They would always work hard, looking for any way to make our organization better.

But more than just the organization, they also made it an amazing experience for those we were working for. They gave the best customer service, they were the most responsive, and in the end, I did all that I could to reward them for their hard work.

For each of these, their hard work and dedication proved the kind of person they were at work. That does not mean they were the same person at home. In fact, many of them had problems with drugs or alcohol, abuse, or other things I learned as time passed.

Just as they had things they struggled with, it seems so many Christians struggle to let go of sins and things in their past.  In accepting Christ as Savior, we were set free from the bondage of sin. But so many Christians continue to be entangled in that bondage of sin.

Are there things in your life that you are holding onto and not letting go of? Do you still struggle with things from your past or sins that your mind and body continue to crave? You can never fully enjoy the freedom found in Jesus Christ if you don’t leave the bondage of the past.

Whatever you may be struggling with, give it to God. Ask Him for help and trust He can help you free yourself from the bondage. The freedom that we have in Jesus is an amazing thing. Don’t keep trying to put on a front that things are ok. Let God help you enjoy your freedom!

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