Struggling to find God

Struggling to find God
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If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.  — Colossians 3:1

One of my son’s favorite games to play is hide and seek. He will often come looking for me, and I will quickly hide somewhere in the house. He will open every door, turn on every light, and look everywhere he can until he finds me. The first few times we played, I found some good places to hide and he didn’t find me.

But his skills improved rather quickly. He learned to think like me. He would anticipate where I may hide. As he remembered places I had hidden before, he thought about where I might be hiding this time. Those past experiences helped him as he continued on.

In this verse, I love the word seek. If you study back to the original text, the word here is zēteō. It is the idea that we seek digiliently. It is something to strive for, work for, to crave, or even to demand. Whatever it is you are seeking, it becomes the focus of your attention and your ultimate desire.

That’s how our lives should be in seeking the things of God. It should be our ultimate focus, our strongest desire. Instead of hiding from God, we should seek Him with all our hearts. But it seems so often that we feel God is hiding from us. But that’s just not true.

We can look back on our past experiences to see that. If we are struggling to find God, we will likely see that the problem is us. We lost our focus. Maybe we went the wrong way or did the wrong thing. But that doesn’t mean we are off track forever.

Maybe you feel as though you have “lost” God. Perhaps you feel as though He is hiding. If so, look back at the past. Did your focus change? Did you stop seeking Him as your main priority? If so, it isn’t that you lost God. It’s simply time to get things back into focus once again.

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