Don’t be a quitter

Don't be a quitter
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Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly? — Job 3:11

On several occasions, I have had to give guidance to my son not to quit trying. Maybe he was building something with some of his toys, and it didn’t go together the way he wanted. Perhaps he was trying to write something or solve a problem, but he couldn’t get to the answer. As is our human nature, he has had the thought to simply quit.

After some discussion about how to navigate through the situation, he will often try again. Sometimes it means I have to stay nearby and help guide him. At other times, I have to actually take my hands and show him the way. But the lesson in the end is that life is hard, but sometimes you have to keep trying.

We all face those temptations in life to quit. From challenges in our jobs, to difficulty with our personal health, or perhaps it is the loss of family members or friends. The truth is, life is not easy. We can often find ourselves asking questions as Job did here. Why was I born? Why don’t I just die? We throw some amazing pity parties for ourselves.

But it is in those moments we need the reminder that we don’t need to quit. In those times of life, God wants to help us and show His ability and power. Our Heavenly Father wants to stay near us, hold us close, and sometimes even show us the way because we cannot find it on our own.

What has you wanting to quit today? Is it your job, family, friends, or other challenges in life? No matter what it is, don’t be a quitter! Don’t give up hope that God can intervene and do something in your situation. Instead of quitting, give it to God and trust Him. He is still able to do something for you!

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