Looking back over the valley

Looking back over the valley
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O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. — 1 Chronicles 16:34

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit a local mountain community nearby in North Carolina. While we live in the mountains, this trip required me to drive to a much higher elevation than where we currently live. As I drove up the mountain, the road snaked left and right around the rocky cliffs on either side. After several minutes, I found myself at the top of the mountain and pulling into the small town.

Before I made my way into the meeting, I took a moment to just stop and look back over the valley. I could see the winding road that led down below. I could see many people making their way up the mountain. From this point of view, I could see all around admiring God’s beautiful creation.

As I stood there, I was reminded of the many times I have gone through the valleys of life. They weren’t always easy to climb. The road I traveled often seemed to snake around rocky cliffs. One wrong move and I often felt I might fail and fall. But God was faithful!

Thankfully, the valleys of our lives don’t last forever. Some of the mountains that we climb may seem very challenging. But God has never once let us down! In the end, we can look back over the valley and see God’s hand at work in our lives. We can see how He guided, protected, and helped each step of the way.

If you’re in the valley, keep pressing on. Soon, you will find yourself on the mountain, looking back over the valley once again. When you do, you can look back over the valley, and you can thank God for His goodness and His mercy. If you aren’t in the valley, take a moment to praise God. He has never once let you down and was with you all the way!

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