It’s just that simple

It's just that simple
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That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. — Romans 10:9

There have been many times in my life when things were not that simple. I think back to some of the things that we have bought for our son throughout the years he has been with us. Many times, these things required assembly. I found myself reading instructions, trying to figure out which side was the right side and which pieces were the right ones.

Then, many times after I figured out what everything was, the pieces simply did not go together as they should have. One piece may have been cut wrong, marked wrong, or it simply did not fit. The scariest part is when you are looking for a specific piece, and it is missing!

We all can relate to things in life such as this. The reality is that many other things in life are much more difficult. There is no easy way through this life with the heartaches, trouble, and strife we often endure. But we can all be thankful that God did make one thing very simple.

It doesn’t require an advanced college degree to understand. You don’t need specific training. Whether young or old, rich or poor, sick or healthy, and no matter the color of your skin, it happens the same way. Salvation is not by anything we do. It is through confessing our sin and believing in Jesus Christ as Savior.

It’s just that simple. Could you imagine if God had made it any more complicated? Instead, He made it simple and available to everyone who believes. While nothing else in life is simple, we should be thankful today that God made salvation that simple.

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as Savior today, you can! It truly is as simple as confessing and believing.

Across the world, there are Christians who need encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians come to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Another Well Ministries is a non-profit ministry that relies on donations to continue our work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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