Never the same

Never the same
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And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  — John 9:1

There are some people that impact your lives from the moment you meet them. I remember a lot of people in my past who influenced my life. I had a former boss that influenced me greatly. There were former friends who certainly left their influence on my life as well. There are certain things that I can trace back to each of them.

There were many Christians who influenced my life as well. They may not have been a close friend, but the way they lived their life was an influence on mine. I saw their faith and faithfulness in everything they did. Not only were they a great person, but they let the light of God shine in everything that they did.

As great as each of them were, none of them had the influence on lives like Jesus did. I love the words of this verse where it says, “Jesus passed by.” Every time that Jesus passed by someone’s way, He never left them the same. The blind were given sight, the lame made to walk, and the dead raised to life. They were never the same.

Each time Jesus passed by, a life was changed. That was certainly the case in my life when I accepted Him as Savior. My life was changed and I have never been the same. That’s not to say that I was made perfect, but I was changed forever.

Has Jesus changed you? Have you accepted Him as Savior and found that you were never the same? If not, it would be a great day to get to know Him in a new way. If He has, are you sharing that influence with others around you? Are you letting others see how you are different since Jesus passed by?

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