Pray for me

Pray for me
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Brethren, pray for us. — 1 Thessalonians 5:25

No doubt you have heard the words just like I have. “Pray for me.” We may hear the words at our local church, as we talk with friends, from our family, or many others in life. There are times we hear those words from people who are struggling, sick, or hurting. The words are important, but is there any meaning behind them?

Everyone, including some of the Christians that we hold in the highest esteem (like Paul here), needs prayer from time to time. While I am certain that Paul prayed on his own, he realized that there was a need for the prayers of others. God designed our lives to be bound together, dependent on each other as brothers and sisters in this life. So, as those around us ask for prayer, do we actually listen?

So many times, we hear those words, but it almost seems to be a casual phrase or statement. I don’t think Paul made a mistake in this verse. He could have gone on and on as he did in other verses. Instead, he only says to pray for him. There are a few things that come to mind when I consider this.

First, Paul was serious in his request. He wanted them to pray. Second, he knew he needed the prayer. Paul knew he could not survive and continue on without them. But what catches my attention the most is that Paul made a statement, not a request. He knew that he could count on them to pray.

When you hear those words, “pray for me,” do you? Do you take a moment to pray for those who ask for it? Or perhaps pray for those who need prayer but don’t ask for it.

Those around us should be able to count on us when they need prayer, just as we should be able to count on them for prayer. Prayer is a vital part of life. Not just our lives but all those around us. We need to be able to rely on each other for prayer.

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