Broken and Crushed

Broken and Crushed
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The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. — Psalm 34:18

There have been times in my life when I have had a broken heart. Throughout our lives, we all experience this from time to time in a variety of ways. When we are younger, our broken hearts may be because of others around us. It could be friends and how we felt they were mean to us. Or it could even be something like the loss of a loved pet or a loved one.

But there have been a few times in my life when I was absolutely crushed as well. I remember the few times that my wife and I found out that we were expecting a child, only to lose that child a few weeks later. But more than just the experiences of life, there have been a few times it was by my own doing.

For example, the many times in my life that I did something that I knew I shouldn’t have done. No, it probably wasn’t a criminal thing, but it was a sinful thing. Perhaps I knew I shouldn’t have acted that way or done that thing. It’s amazing how sin can break our hearts.

No matter the circumstances that have broken our hearts or crushed our spirits, I’m so thankful for this verse in Psalm 34. David reminds us that God is close to those with a broken heart. In other words, God is ready to hear and help those who are broken and crushed.

Are you broken and crushed today? Perhaps it is because of things that you have done. Or maybe you find yourself broken and crushed by situations going on around you. No matter the reason, you can take comfort in knowing that God is near! He is ready to help in your situation, all we have to do is ask Him.

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