What are you relying on?

What are you relying on?
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Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. — Psalm 35:2

My son has always loved to play with toy foam dart guns. It took a lot of work to make sure that he knew he should not shoot them at the animals or near someone’s face. But once he learned how to play with them, he and I would often have a fun time playing with them.

On one occasion, my wife joined in on the game. My son and I were trying to sneak up on her, and soon, she was shooting her foam darts at us. Quickly, my son ducked behind me and then picked up stuff nearby to shield himself. Soon after, he looked at me and told me my job was to protect him from the foam darts as he tried to put darts back into his own gun.

As the darts were flying, he quickly realized that he needed help. While he may be able to try and fight some on his own, he needed someone to be his shield. He needed someone to hold on to as his protection and allow him to regain his composure to continue on.

I have been in a similar situation many times in my life. The enemy seems out to get me, and the darts are flying all around me. While I am certainly not out of the situation, I need someone to help be my shield and protect me. David describes such a situation here in Psalm 35.

David pleads with God to take hold of his shield to protect him as the enemies are fighting against him. David knew that the world wouldn’t protect him; only God could. But far too often, we try to rely on the things of this world to protect us in the heat of the battle.

What are you relying on to protect you? Are you trying to find protection in the world, or are you relying on the protection of God? Instead of trying to find protection anywhere else, call on God! Ask Him to grab hold and be your shield. He will not let you down!

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