When you don’t see Him

When you don't see Him
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And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not. — Genesis 28:16

Several years ago, I worked for a company in a position that required me to travel a lot. When I first took the job, I was really unsure about it. In fact, it took a lot of convincing from my wife for me to even apply for the role, let alone believe that I was truly qualified for it.

But after a few weeks of interviews and meeting new people, I learned that I was being offered the position. I had never been away from home that much. I had never really traveled in airplanes that much. Now, I would be on 4-5 airplanes a week, visiting dozens of states and away from home for a significant amount of time. But I had peace that it was exactly what God wanted me to do.

Fast forward several years, and my wife and I were about to embark on a journey to China. We were going to bring home our son after years of praying for a family. Those several years of flying and being away from home were covering all of our hotel bills, airline flights, and more. Adoption is far from cheap, but God had provided even when I didn’t see how He was providing.

Just because we don’t see God moving and acting in our lives doesn’t mean He is not there. I am reminded of this verse when Jacob awoke and realized God was there, but He didn’t know it! God is always at work in our lives, even when we don’t see Him.

So don’t be discouraged because you don’t see God working in your life right now. He is absolutely working and doing things. In fact, when you don’t see Him, it usually means He is doing something that is beyond your imagination. Keep trusting. One day, you will see what God was doing and it will all make sense.

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