Going through the desolation

Going through the desolation
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He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings. — Psalm 107:35

Several years ago, my wife and I visited a location where we had never been. It was a small island that we traveled to as part of a vacation and I remember we took a tour of the island one day. On one side of the island, the water was calm and the grass was a beautiful green color. The palm trees were beautiful and it was an amazing sight.

On the other side of the island, things were much different. It was a rocky desert area. The waves were crashing in on the shore and it had created rough terrain. The water was not nearly as beautiful and essentially the area was uninhabitable.

What was interesting was how quickly things changed. As we were driving, things seemed the same. But there was a point that we came to where it turned to desolation. The calm turned into rough. The lush green grass and trees turned into jagged rocks and cliffs. That’s certainly how it can be for us in life sometimes too.

It seems that we are going on our way and things are going great. Then suddenly, we find ourselves in the middle of a wilderness. We go from the calm and serene to the rough and desolation. It is almost like we are searching for water, but there is none to be found. Thankfully, that’s not the end of the story.

Sometimes we pass through those times in life, but God has always been faithful to bring us out on the other side. We may not always understand our moments in desolation, but we must trust that God has a purpose and plan. He will not forsake us there.

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