No way around it

No way around it
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I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. — Psalm 16:8

Some time ago, I remember watching a television show. In the show, there were two people that were being chased and they came up on an obstruction that was preventing them from moving forward. On one side, was a steep drop off the cliff. If they were to travel to that side, they would most likely fall.

On the other side was a steep mountain. To travel that side would require their vehicle to go up the steep incline and go back down onto the road safely. It was obvious that doing such a task would be risky and most likely end in a fiery crash. So they did what seemed logical and determined there was no way around it. They could only go straight through the obstacle.

As we read the words of David in this Psalm, we read the words, “I have set the LORD always before me.” If I could summarize David’s words in my own, he is saying, “God is the first thing in my life, and there’s no way around it.”

It didn’t matter if it was during the day, or at night. David didn’t care that he was in public, or in private. No matter the circumstance, David said that God was first in his life, and there was no way around it. His desire was that if you looked at him, you could only see God!

If we examined our own lives, is that where God is? Our lives should be so dedicated and so fixed on God that there is no way around Him. We couldn’t think of traveling one step without Him. We can’t think of doing anything without Him. Our desire should be that everywhere we look, we see God and that when others look at us, they see God. There shouldn’t be any way around Him!

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