In God’s hands

In God's hands
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Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? — Matthew 6:27

Growing up, I was absolutely crazy about sports. I wanted to play every sport I could possibly play. As I continued to get older, I realized that all the sports stars I admired were all at least 6 feet tall. So I set a goal for myself that I wanted to be at least 6 feet tall so that I could be good at sports just like they were. It shows how naive I really was in thinking that height alone could make me skilled at sports.

I tried to find shoes that would make me taller. If I was being measured, I wanted to stretch myself as much as I could. I needed to get every inch I could possibly get to be as tall as I could possibly be. It was not so far into my teenage years I had to admit I would never reach the goal of 6 feet.

While the story is humorous from my youth, the truth is that there was nothing I could do for myself to be 6 feet tall. I couldn’t just think about being that tall and make it happen. There were no shortcuts and it was completely out of my control.

That’s what Jesus was teaching the people here in Matthew 6. He was teaching about the worries and anxieties of life. He gave multiple examples of how these things were out of their control. Jesus advice? Focus on living for God and trust Him!

We try so hard in life to fix things on our own. We often worry ourselves sick over the cares of life. But the truth is that these things are not under our control. We can’t just think about them and fix them. But they are in God’s hands and God is in control!

Do situations and cares of life have you worried and anxious? If things are in God’s hands, why are we worried? Instead of spending our time and energy worrying, we should give those cares to God and trust Him. When the cares and situations of life get you down, remember it’s in God’s hands.

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