Nowhere else to turn

Nowhere else to turn
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And she said, I pray you, let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves: so she came, and hath continued even from the morning until now, that she tarried a little in the house. — Ruth 2:7

One of my favorite stories from the Bible is that of Ruth and Boaz. The world has tried to write love stories throughout history, but I don’t know many that compare with this one. While the love story is an amazing one to read, there are many other key details of the story as well.

Many liken Boaz to a redeemer in the eyes of Ruth. They share how Boaz was one who recognized a need and knew what he needed to do, similar to that of our own Redeemer Jesus Christ. If you truly think about it, Ruth really didn’t have anywhere else to go. She returned with Naomi and that field was her only hope.

We see that Ruth asked to glean in the field. From the indications, this was extremely late in the day. So late, in fact, that it caught the attention of Boaz. One could say that Ruth was desperate. She needed that field and what she could glean. She had nowhere else to turn. The other thing that catches my attention is that Ruth wasn’t afraid to ask for it.

If we are all honest, we all are facing circumstances in life where we have nowhere else to turn. You can try to solve your problems with pills, bars, or any other substitution that the world would offer. But that won’t solve anything. Ruth got up early in the morning, knowing that she needed Boaz and that field to make it another day.

Do you wake up in the morning serious about God helping you in life? As we start each day, our mindset should be, “God, I have nowhere else to go and cannot make it through this day without you.” But that desperation shouldn’t just last for a few moments in the morning. It should be our mindset and desire all day.

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