When nothing else matters

When nothing else matters
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The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city. — John 4:28

There have been many times in my life when I was looking for something. It was not so long ago I was in a large hardware store and I was looking for a specific item. I had looked before I left home and it said they had it in stock. When I went to the store, I searched the aisle where it was supposed to be, but it was not there.

I was determined to find the item so I continued to wander around the store. As I searched, I was looking at the shelves, the signs, and for any possible clue as to where the item was. Soon, an employee of the store saw me searching. They asked what I was searching for and I explained. They knew exactly what I needed, taking me straight to the item.

There were thousands of other items in the store that day. But I wasn’t not interested in any of those items, I was focused on one item. For me, nothing else mattered that day outside of finding that one item.

I have often read the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4. There are so many aspects of the story that we often focus on, but recently my attention was drawn to the waterpot. That was her purpose for being at the well that day. But after meeting Jesus, nothing else mattered to her. She left the waterpot to go tell others about Him!

As we reflect today, think about all of the things that are in your life. Is there anything that needs to be set aside so you can focus on Him once again? Our passion for Jesus should be so strong that nothing else matters. He should be most important. Sharing His love and saving grace should be our highest priority. Are we that passionate about Jesus?

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